Different Bakewear Materials and When to Use Them

At Everton Ridge, we aim to build homes with exceptional livability. We design kitchens with quality materials and layouts that are important to families so that you want to spend time in them. If you are inspired to take advantage of all the beautiful features in your new kitchen, baking is a great place to start!

When stocking your baking cabinet with tools, you will quickly notice that there are generally three kinds of bakeware: glass, metal, and ceramic. Does it really matter which material you choose to work with? Are they interchangeable? Is one better for certain bakes than others? We will help you find the answers with this simple breakdown.


Metal is a material that heats evenly and quickly. It also cools off quickly. The quick heating element aids in achieving a proper rise is bakes like bread. It also works well at creating crispy and brown edges. The fact that it cools off readily also ensures that your baked good will cease cooking once it is removed from the oven. Therefore, metal is a great option when trying to get the perfect crispy, chewy cookie.


Glass bakeware does not heat quickly, but once it does heat up, it is able to provide and maintain a consistent temperature. Because of this, it is excellent for casseroles and lasagna type dishes. Glassware is also great for eyeballing the doneness of things like pies because you can see through the glass to judge.


Ceramic is a good medium between glass and metal in terms of heating ability. It can heat up at a moderate pace and can maintain the temperature well. It is also a tough material that can perform well when using different cooking methods. From things like microwaving, to slow cooking, to stewing. Roast chickens and hearty pies are just begging to be made in a ceramic dish. It is also a food safe option when it comes to storing food.

Ultimately, there is a time and place for every kind of bakeware. Having a selection of glass, metal, and ceramic on hand will mean that you are ready for whatever your heart desires. And knowing the best scenarios for each one will help you get the perfect crust, rise, and bite every time.

By Everton Ridge Homes | 5-24-2021

Practical Household Uses for Coconut Oil

By now, we have all heard the internet rave about its love of coconut oil as a healthy oil to cook with and an amazing natural beauty product that can deeply hydrate the hair, skin, and nails. However, coconut oil also has a wide array of practical household uses. Here's how to incorporate coconut oil into your household routine.

Keep Your Stainless-Steel Appliances Shiny

Stainless steel fridges, dishwashers, ovens, and small appliances might give your kitchen a chic and modern look, but they are all magnets for fingerprints and smudges. Instead of resorting to harsh chemicals, wipe these surfaces down with a small amount of coconut oil. To remove, simply wipe away the excess oil with a dry microfiber cloth. If you'll think back to science class, you'll remember the rule that like attracts like. What the coconut oil does is essentially cling onto the oil and grime on the surface of these appliances, allowing you to easily wipe both clean.

Bring Wooden Pieces Back to Life

Wooden furniture can lose its polish and shine over time. Because it's a natural material, it needs to be conditioned with some sort of moisturizing element to prevent it from drying out, becoming brittle, and warping. After cleaning a wooden furniture item, rub a small amount of coconut oil into the wood, working in circular motions and using a damp cloth. Think of it like conditioning your hair after shampooing; after stripping away oil and moisture during the cleaning process, you must put hydration back into your hair to ensure it stays hydrated, moisturized, and vibrant.

Keep Cast Iron Clean

Cast iron cookware is amazing for cooking, but both professional and amateur chefs alike know that it's a total pain to clean. Because you can't use traditional detergents on cast iron, you need to get crafty will all-natural solutions. Try mixing sea salt into a few tablespoons of coconut oil and use it as a gentle scrub to do away with any leftover grease or grime in your cast iron pots and pans. Once you've loosened away any dirt, rinse with a mixture of water and lemon juice to remove the coconut oil and leave the pot feeling clean to the touch.

Use For First Aid

Coconut oil is a popular beauty product because it contains antimicrobial agents that can stave off acne-causing bacteria. It also can promote the production of collagen in the skin and tame inflammation. The next time you get a nick or cut, clean the wound as normal and use whatever antibacterial wound treatments you typically do. However, before you put your bandage on, apply a bit of coconut oil to the area. It will help to ward off bacteria, calm the skin and help the wound to heal with minimal scarring.

As you can see, coconut oil has an almost limitless list of uses. As a final tip, always keep a separate jar of coconut oil in your pantry that's solely for cooking, especially if you tend to scoop from your "all-purpose" jar with your fingertips. This prevents any bacteria from your hands or cleaning rag from getting into the delicious meals you prepare with coconut oil.

By Everton Ridge Homes | 5-5-2021